
At what age is a baby suitable to drink Qing Qing Bao 3D Qing?


Qing Qing Bao 3D Qing primarily helps with strengthening the spleen and stomach, clearing heat, and detoxifying, as well as promoting the absorption of formula milk and fresh milk in infants. However, when a baby experiences diarrhea, it is recommended to discontinue using Qing Qing Bao 3D Qing and switch to Mami Ai to regulate the intestines. Once the baby’s diarrhea improves, Qing Qing Bao 3D Qing can be resumed. It is suggested to wait half an hour between taking Qing Qing Bao 3D Qing and Mami Ai. I hope this answer is helpful to you, and wish your baby a healthy growth!