
How to treat child obesity effectively? My daughter is 9 years old. This year, I’ve noticed that she’s getting fatter and fatter, and she seems to eat without control, liking to lie down after meals. Please advise.


When a child develops obesity, parents should alleviate the symptoms through exercise and a healthy diet. Encourage the child to engage in age-appropriate activities such as swimming and jogging. Also, let the child consume vegetables that are beneficial for improving obesity, such as winter melon and green beans. Prohibit the child from eating high-calorie, high-fat foods like cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. Avoid letting the child sleep or lounge on the sofa while snacking. During the obesity treatment, parents should carry out reasonable treatment based on the child’s condition, and if the condition is severe, it is imperative to seek medical attention to determine the cause and receive targeted treatment.