
Our 7-year-old has been acting rebellious lately, frequently arguing with us and sometimes even hitting. I don’t know if it’s because of the arrival of a younger sibling or sister. How should we educate a child at this age?


When children throw a tantrum, we should not respond with anger to teach them to do the same to others. Instead of getting angry, we should try to understand their feelings. After all, their love and attention have been divided among others, and they may feel lost. As parents, we should give our children more attention and response, allowing them to feel the warmth and love of home. At the same time, we can try to engage in activities with the children to make them feel a sense of belonging to the family. This way, the children will be happier and their behavior more positive. As parents, we should respect our children, understand their needs, and provide them with enough attention and love so that they can grow up healthily and happily.