
What is the normal body temperature for newborns? My baby was born at 36 weeks and 1 day, and the current body temperature reading is 37.3 degrees. I would like to inquire if this temperature is normal? I have previously been observed at an affiliated hospital without any fever symptoms. What kind of assistance do I need? I would like to know if this temperature is normal?


The normal body temperature range for newborns is between 36 to 37 degrees, and it should not exceed or fall below this range. Based on your description, your child’s temperature is slightly high, which may be due to catching a cold or indigestion. It is recommended that you keep your child warm, encourage them to drink more water, and closely monitor their body temperature. If the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, you can use over-the-counter cold medications for fever treatment. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish your child a healthy recovery!