
How can I solve the problem of a newborn who has been sleeping for three days and not eating? They don’t eat even when the nipple is put in their mouth; they just sleep, and sometimes they will spit out a little bit. What were the previous treatment methods and their effectiveness? How should I help the baby?


It is recommended to carefully check if the baby is deficient in zinc or has digestive problems. It is suggested to try oral zinc gluconate and Shanyao Jianpi oral liquid. To ensure the baby eats well, attention should also be given to the feeding method. Some children have anorexia, and parents become anxious, resorting to using toys to distract the child during meals, or allowing them to play while eating. Overindulgence in love and a lack of understanding of proper feeding methods can also be direct causes of children’s anorexia. It is recommended to provide the child with a quiet environment for defecation, allowing them to defecate happily, as the human digestive system is affected by emotions, and excessive tension can lead to decreased appetite. When the child is defecating, adults should not talk loudly or distract the child with other activities.