
The child sometimes likes to tilt their head when looking at people, and this has been going on for over a year. I’m worried about whether medical attention is needed and which department should be consulted for diagnosis.


It is difficult to determine the cause without a professional examination. You can first try covering one eye to observe if the child’s gaze improves. Besides torticollis, if the deviation or reduction in strabismus is observed when one eye is covered, it may be caused by strabismus. Ophthalmologists advise parents that some strabismus in children is caused by acquired bad habits, so precautions should be taken from birth. For example, the colorful toys placed above the baby’s bed should not be hung too close, ideally more than 40 centimeters away, and they should be positioned in multiple directions to avoid the child focusing on a single point for too long, which could lead to strabismus.