
My baby’s deep sleep isn’t very good. I’d like to ask the doctor, how much deep sleep should a baby have? Under what kind of assistance should the deep sleep time for a baby be increased?


Newborns generally require an average of 16 hours of sleep per day (ranging from 14 to 20 hours), with each deep sleep cycle lasting approximately 45 minutes, and waking up every 2 to 4 hours to feed. After feeding, they may stay awake for a few minutes to an hour. While each baby’s sleep pattern is different, it’s recommended that children of this age should aim for at least 15 hours of deep sleep. Every baby has unique sleep needs, and you can judge if your baby is getting enough sleep by observing their alertness and the absence of dark circles under their eyes. If your baby doesn’t have dark circles, it indicates they are getting enough sleep and there’s no need to worry excessively.