
I used pediatric iodine disinfectant to sterilize a finger wound on a newborn, but I’m worried about what effects it might have if the child accidentally ingests it. The child is one and a half months old, and because there was a small wound on her finger, I used the iodine disinfectant that the hospital provided for sterilizing the umbilical cord. I noticed tonight that the iodine solution on her finger has lost its color, and family members said she had put her finger in her mouth during the day. What kind of harm can there be to the child’s health if she accidentally swallows it?


Based on your description, the child is only one and a half months old and should not be eating her fingers yet, so there is no need to worry. Suggestion: The disinfectant will gradually fade over time, so even if the child does ingest a very small amount, there should be no issues, and there is no need to be anxious. The above is my suggestion for this question, and I hope it helps you. Wishing you and your child a quick recovery!