
What should I do about my twin brothers’ persistent cough? About a month ago, my twin brothers occasionally coughed (they have been breastfed all along): 1. The test results at the local hospital indicated a viral infection, and antiviral oral liquid, pediatric lung-cleaning syrup, and pediatric anti-inflammatory medication were prescribed, but the effects were not noticeable after taking them. 2. After that, we visited two children’s hospitals, one of which prescribed pediatric lung-cleaning syrup with no effect after taking it; the other administered enema plasters for three days, but the effect was still not significant. 3. On October 9th, we took both brothers to the maternal and child health care hospital, where routine blood tests, mycoplasma tests, and chest X-rays were done, all showing no issues. The confirmed diagnosis was bronchitis.


Dear inquirer, considering your description and both babies having the same symptoms, it is still advisable to consider coughs caused by viral infections. The key is to enhance nutrition and treat the symptoms accordingly. Moreover, it is crucial to pay attention to dietary enhancement and nursing care. You can take calcium, iron, and zinc oral liquid orally; before going to bed in the afternoon, you can take some cetirizine oral liquid. Generally, after about three days, it will gradually improve. At the same time, be mindful of pertussis.