
My baby is seven months and nine days old. On the evening of November 23, the baby had a bowel movement and then vomited after drinking 150 milliliters of formula, approximately five minutes later. On November 24 morning, the baby started to have a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius (confirmed as autumn nausea and vomiting). The fever then gradually increased to 38 degrees Celsius. Children’s Chai Gui powder was taken and a fever-reducing patch was applied. The temperature gradually returned to normal. An hour later, the baby started to have a fever again. That day, the baby had three fevers in total, with the highest temperature reaching 38.9 degrees Celsius. The subsequent two fevers were controlled with ibuprofen syrup. After the fever subsided, the baby started to have diarrhea for two days, about five times a day. Probiotics and Montmorillonite powder were taken, and plasters were applied. Probiotics were continued while Montmorillonite powder was taken for two days. As of today, November 28, it has been five days since the onset of symptoms. Today, the baby started having loose stools, about four times a day. Today, one dose of Montmorillonite powder was taken; probiotics were continued; and rehydration salts were also started (the ingredients suggest mixing one packet with 500 milliliters of water, but I found it too concentrated, so I mixed one packet with 1500 milliliters of water and started drinking it in the afternoon). How long will these symptoms last for my baby, and what other treatments are needed?


As described in your query, your child’s condition is most likely due to indigestion. It is recommended to conduct a stool test and ensure your child drinks plenty of water. In terms of diet, it is suggested to eat smaller meals more frequently. Additionally, it is advisable for parents to take their child for further examination and actively seek symptomatic treatment. Parents should also take good care of their child as recovery requires time. These are suggestions for the question ‘What should be done when a seven-month-old baby has diarrhea once?’ I hope this helps.