
My baby just started kindergarten this year and had a cough and runny nose a few days ago. After taking three days of cold medicine, the symptoms improved. However, they recurred at school, this time with symptoms of phlegm in the throat. I gave him lung-clearing syrup, but because it was too bitter, he was reluctant to drink it. Later, I tried feeding him Lanqin, which resulted in him vomiting everything he ate. He reported stomach pain and phlegm in his throat. After a detailed examination at the hospital, it was diagnosed as significant bronchitis. He was given intravenous fluids for a day and prescribed pediatric cough syrup, but vomiting occurred again after drinking it. I am seeking professional advice and treatment guidance.


The baby’s cough and runny nose may be due to cross-infection during school, accompanied by symptoms of phlegm in the throat. Although the initial treatment relieved the symptoms, they worsened upon recurrence, accompanied by vomiting reactions, which may be due to drug intolerance or worsening of the condition. Bronchitis is an infection of the respiratory system caused by bacteria or viruses and usually requires treatment targeted at the pathogen. It is recommended to first conduct urine tests to determine the pathogen; if it is a bacterial infection, cephalosporin antibiotics are usually used; if it is a mycoplasma infection, antibiotics such as erythromycin or azithromycin can be used. Since oral medications may cause discomfort, consider switching to intravenous fluid therapy. I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you. Wishing you well.