
The newborn did not have jaundice at birth, but the child is now 28 days old and has recently noticed that the white of the eyes is turning yellow and this has been going on for several days. I went to the hospital for a urine test today, and the doctor only informed me that the jaundice index was high and that blue light therapy was needed. I would like to inquire if the jaundice value is really very high and whether hospitalization or other medication treatments are necessary?


Based on the urine test results, it indeed shows that the jaundice index is elevated, so it is recommended to be hospitalized and investigate the cause. Please follow the doctor’s advice and be hospitalized for blue light therapy. Although taking milk thistle may also be helpful, it may be inconvenient to administer it due to the child’s young age. This is the suggestion for “What should be done if a newborn does not have jaundice at birth but develops jaundice 28 days later?” I hope this helps you, and wish your child good health!