
My daughter is five years old and often feels leg pain. After a detailed examination in Tangshan, it was found that there is fluid accumulation in the knee area, and the diagnosis was synovitis. After taking medication, the fluid disappeared, but now both hip joints have developed fluid accumulation. This condition has persisted for nearly a year, with the pain in the thighs worsening at night. Today, blood tests were conducted at Yandah Hospital. Please help me analyze these test results for any abnormalities, as I am worried it might be arthritis. Moreover, a few days ago, the child had an ultrasound for abdominal pain and discovered enlarged lymph nodes in the abdomen.


Based on your description of the situation and the provided medical reports, I believe the child may be experiencing joint pain due to calcium deficiency. Although the current immune cell tests show a higher ratio of T cells to helper T cells, we do not consider it to be an immune deficiency disease at this point. I suggest you try calcium supplementation for your child to see if there is any improvement. The above suggestions are for reference only and I hope they are helpful to you. Wishing your child a speedy recovery!