
The 3-year-old girl has been coughing with a recurring low fever for 5 days. The fever subsided after drinking white radish honey water, and the cough decreased as well. She has undergone nebulization therapy to relieve the cough, and there is white purulent mucus in her nose. The coughing also eases after physical activity. She is in good spirits, and has been taking Etanercept for 6 days, Azithromycin for 3 days, and Oseltamivir for 4 days. Nebulization was done for two days. Aziithromycin is to be stopped today, Oseltamivir is to be taken for one more day, and Etanercept for one more day, then what medication should be used for the child…


The baby’s blood routine mainly indicates a viral infection. If the child undergoes nebulization, the cough will ease. There is no need to do nebulization temporarily. The child has thick white mucus with coughing. It is advisable to use antiviral granules and replace Etanercept with Ambroxol oral solution. According to your treatment plan, after stopping Azithromycin, you can switch to Roxithromycin and use it for a few days. The above suggestions are for the question ‘How to handle a 3-year-old baby’s recurring low fever and cough for 5 days’. I hope it helps you, and wish you good health!