
My child always feels dizzy, and each time they feel dizzy, they also become anxious, sensitive to noise, tired, and restless. It takes about half an hour to feel better after relief. This happens about 2/3 of the time each day, and it’s been going on for about a year. I used to think it was due to lack of sleep, but even early bedtime doesn’t help anymore. I would like to know what specific departments to consult for a detailed check-up and how to alleviate the symptoms.


Based on your description, it seems your child might be experiencing dizziness caused by brain hypoxia. It could also be due to psychological factors, such as excessive stress and anxiety leading to confusion and restlessness. They have recurrent episodes two to three times a day and have been suffering for about a year. This situation requires immediate attention and detailed examination and treatment. Start by visiting the pediatric department for a thorough check-up; it may also be necessary to consult with neurology, neurosurgery, or psychiatry and psychology departments for a comprehensive examination. Identifying the cause is essential for targeted treatment.