
What Are the Causes of Children Chewing During Sleep?


It is generally believed to be related to the following factors: One, the presence of parasites in the intestines, especially tapeworms, which survive by digesting nutrients from the human body. As they move around in the stomach, they can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and dry heaves, and in severe cases, can lead to intestinal obstruction. They may also cause night grinding of teeth. Two, being too tired or overly excited during the day, especially if a child is overly exhausted from playing, the cerebral cortex does not get complete rest after falling asleep, and some nerves remain in an excited state, leading to grinding of teeth during sleep. Three, poor digestion in the stomach, where certain conditions such as stomach diseases prevent effective absorption of food, causing grinding of teeth after taking a nap. Four, malocclusion of teeth. It is recommended to seek active treatment at a regular hospital.