
My baby is 65 days old and has been vomiting curd for the past two days. The baby doesn’t sleep much during the day, waking up after one or two hours at night. Just now, the baby woke up after an hour, crying. When I picked the baby up, it vomited curd and has been crying ever since.


Based on your description, your 65-day-old baby has been vomiting curd for the past two days. The baby’s condition is likely due to dyspepsia. Since the baby is still young, its gastrointestinal function has not yet fully matured. It is suggested to feed the baby probiotics to nourish the gut microbiota. You can also warm your palm and gently massage your baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction for ten minutes, three times a day, to promote gastrointestinal movement. After each feeding, make sure to hold the baby upright and gently pat its back to burp out the gas before placing it down again. Always remember to pat after every feeding.