
How to treat a child’s abdominal pain and what medication should be taken? The child has taken anthelmintic medication, but now the child occasionally complains of abdominal pain, and when it happens, there is no visible sign of discomfort. Looking for how to help: achieve a noticeable improvement.


There are many causes of abdominal pain in children, the most common being gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by intestinal spasm. However, it is important to rule out organic inflammation. It is recommended to have the child undergo an abdominal ultrasound and routine blood tests to exclude diseases of the liver and gallbladder system, mesenteric lymphadenitis, appendicitis, or urinary tract stones. If there are no organic issues, you can give the child abdominal massage, apply cold compresses, or administer oral spasm-relieving and blood-activating medication for treatment.