
My son is 3 years old and still wets the bed at night. Are there any methods to help him stop wetting the bed?


Bedwetting in children is a common issue that can be categorized into functional and organic conditions. Functional bedwetting is caused by an imperfect regulation of the higher nervous center in the cerebral cortex that controls urination, often due to factors like emotional stress or excessive fatigue. Organic bedwetting, on the other hand, is caused by certain physical diseases, such as spinal cord inflammation or urinary tract infections. For functional bedwetting, parents can take the following measures: treat your child’s bedwetting correctly, avoid scolding; help your child establish a reasonable daily routine, avoid overexertion during the day, reduce fluid intake before bedtime, and wake your child up at regular intervals to urinate. For stubborn cases of bedwetting, medication or acupuncture treatment can also be considered.