
My baby had more fetal hair at birth, but the hair grew thin after shaving. I want to understand the possible reasons and how to improve it. Also, I want to know what symptoms indicate calcium and zinc deficiency in babies.


You can take your baby to the hospital for a test for essential minerals and supplement accordingly based on the results. Hair thinning may be related to nutrition and genetics. Premature babies often have poor hair growth. A bald spot on the head may be due to sweating while sleeping, leading to excessive head movement. The remedy for calcium deficiency includes consuming Ikuen, Trisol Glucosamine Calcium, and appropriate sun exposure. Severe calcium deficiency may require supplementing with calcium powder. The baby’s diet should focus on nutritional and vitamin supplements, such as consuming fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamin C. Vitamin C supplementation is recommended for infants under one year of age in moderation. It is not advisable to supplement with calcium indiscriminately, as excessive calcium supplementation is also not good. May your baby be healthy and happy!