
The kindergarten teacher said that sometimes the child seems not to have heard what was said, not sure if it’s due to his focus on playing or a problem with his ears, so I took him to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor ended up cleaning out a lot of earwax. The child is 4 years old and has never had his earwax cleaned at home before, as I was afraid of damaging his ears.


Hello, otitis media is most commonly characterized by a feeling of pressure or blockage in the ear, hearing loss, and tinnitus. It often occurs after a cold or without realizing it. Sometimes, changes in head position can improve hearing. There may be an increase in self-hearing. Some patients may experience mild ear pain. The impact of pediatric otitis media on patients is significant, so it is recommended that patients seek timely consultation with a specialist and receive treatment under the guidance of a doctor. In daily life, it is appropriate to engage in moderate exercise and pay attention to preventing heat-related issues. I hope the child can recover quickly!