
A 14-year-old male patient, 142.8 centimeters tall and weighing 30 kilograms, has experienced breast hardness several times during growth hormone treatment and is inquiring whether the treatment should continue.


Based on the results of the sex hormone stimulation test, the patient may have already entered puberty, at which point the growth plates have begun to close, leaving limited room for height growth. Growth hormone therapy may help increase height, but it must be conducted under strict medical supervision to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. The appearance of breast hardness may be a sign that the gonads are beginning to develop, which also means that the growth plates are about to close. Therefore, whether to continue growth hormone therapy should be decided based on the individual’s specific situation and professional medical advice. The patient should undergo regular physical examinations and related tests to assess the effectiveness and safety of the treatment. In addition, a good diet, adequate sleep, and appropriate exercise also contribute to height growth.