
When can premature babies start seeing things with their eyes? My daughter is a twin and was born at 28 weeks premature, weighing only 2.5 pounds. She spent over a week in the hospital’s incubator receiving oxygen. After discharge, we found out she has stage 3 retinopathy of prematurity, and she still can’t see anything after the surgery. She is now two and a half months old. I would like to know how long it might take for her to start seeing things. Thank you!


Hello, the recovery time for vision after surgery for retinopathy of prematurity in premature babies can vary due to differences in the condition and individual factors. It is recommended that you bring your child back to the hospital for a follow-up examination to keep up with her vision recovery progress. In addition to routine treatment, it is also important to consult with experts and maintain good communication with your doctor. In terms of diet, pay attention to a balanced diet, keep a positive mood, and choose a reputable hospital for treatment to achieve the best treatment outcome.