
  1. Is this symptom in the newborn indeed caused by an infection?
  2. Can the use of antibiotics in newborns lead to intellectual decline?
  3. Will the use of antibiotics have other adverse effects on future health?
  4. Is this condition severe, and what is the likelihood of recovery?


Antibiotics are medications used for inflammation. If a newborn has an infection after birth, antibiotic treatment is necessary to control the infection. The use of antibiotics will not affect the child’s intelligence and will not have any adverse effects on future health. This symptom in the child may be caused by hypoxic encephalopathy. However, you still need to trust the doctor, as they will choose the best medication based on the condition. Intellectual disability has a significant impact on children. If not treated promptly and correctly, the condition can progress rapidly, posing serious harm to the child. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to their child’s situation and seek treatment in a timely manner.