
My daughter is 9 years old, and recently, I’ve noticed that she weighs much more than other children. Additionally, she eats more than average for her age, and she doesn’t want to exercise. How should I treat my child’s obesity and picky eating?


For children with obvious symptoms of obesity, parents should encourage them to engage in more physical activities and avoid being picky with their food. Activities like swimming and climbing hills can be very effective for obesity. During this time, children can eat vegetables that are beneficial for improving obesity, such as winter melon and green beans. It is crucial not to let them consume high-calorie foods like cakes, potato chips, and cola; nor should they be allowed to sleep or snack on the sofa immediately after eating. During the treatment of obesity, parents should provide reasonable treatment based on their child’s condition. If the situation is severe, it is imperative to go to the hospital to determine the cause and receive corresponding treatment.