How accurate is the prediction of fetal gender using AFP, HCG, and UE3 indicators in Down syndrome screening?
The accuracy rate of predicting fetal gender using the indicators (AFP, HCG, and UE3) in Down syndrome screening is said to reach 95%, but the actual accuracy of this method is still questionable. When AFP levels are greater than 1 and HCG levels are less than 0.5, the pregnancy may be a boy; while AFP levels less than 1 and HCG levels greater than 1 suggest a girl. If HCG levels are between 0.5 and 1 and AFP levels are greater than 1, it indicates a boy, and if AFP levels are less than 1, it suggests a girl. However, these indicators are only for reference, and actual results may vary from person to person. Moreover, healthcare providers usually do not provide an exact gender prediction. Additionally, ultrasound testing may be more accurate, but it still carries the possibility of misjudgment. It is important to remember that regardless of the gender of the fetus, parents will love their child equally.