
Dear Baby, she is just 5 years old this year. I feel that my child is much heavier than other children, and she has an extremely large appetite. When I ask her to exercise, she is unwilling. What should be done to treat a child’s obesity effectively when they don’t like to eat vegetables?


For childhood obesity, you can first create a moderate exercise plan for your child and change their dietary habits. Parents can encourage their children to participate in sports that are beneficial for weight loss, such as jogging, swimming, etc., and encourage them to eat more vegetables like cucumbers, carrots, and spinach. Additionally, avoid giving your child high-calorie foods such as cookies, macadamia nuts, and small cakes, and strictly control their diet to prevent overeating. More exercise is very beneficial for improving a child’s obesity issues. During the treatment of childhood obesity, if parents find that the situation is severe, they should take their child to the hospital for an examination in a timely manner to determine the cause and receive targeted treatment.