
How to handle asthma in children?


Firstly, it is important to understand the cause of the asthma attack, which is usually related to allergies. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that asthma is related to lung and kidney Yin deficiency, while Western medicine attributes it to allergic reactions caused by sensitivity to certain substances. Treatment methods include avoiding allergens, medication, and traditional Chinese medicine opsonize. In traditional Chinese medicine treatment, appropriate herbal formulas can be selected based on different patterns, such as Qingchuan Decoction, Jiawei Qianhu Decoction, Mahuang San’er Decoction, etc., which have the effects of dispersing lung phlegm, calming asthma and coughing, clearing heat and resolving phlegm, and lowering qi to calm asthma. At the same time, patients should rest well, avoid fatigue, and maintain good living habits to alleviate symptoms and prevent attacks.