
I have blurred vision, difficulty seeing clearly, and a sensation of something in my eyes. This might be due to nutritional deficiency-induced optic nerve atrophy. What types of food should I eat to improve my condition?


During the recovery period from hot eye bottom diseases, consuming meat like beef and lamb can invigorate qi and nourish blood to improve vision; liver, chicken, and duck meat can tonify the liver and kidneys. Additionally, fish can nourish qi and blood, moisten yin, and improve vision. These foods should be consumed in small portions, multiple times a day, avoiding overeating. For auxiliary treatment of hot eye bottom diseases, plant-based foods such as winter melon, snake gourd, bitter melon, mung bean sprouts, celery, mung beans, adzuki beans, seaweed can be chosen. These foods help clear heat, detoxify, promote diuresis, and reduce swelling. At the same time, foods like yellow rice, sorghum, corn, millet, soybeans, black sesame seeds, and mushrooms are beneficial for invigorating qi and nourishing blood to improve vision. It is recommended that patients consult an ophthalmologist at a hospital for a diagnosis before starting treatment.