
Dear Sir/Madam, Our daughter is currently 4 years old. We’ve recently noticed that she is significantly heavier than other children her age and has a very large appetite. Even when encouraged to exercise, she is unwilling. How should we treat her obesity and her dislike for vegetables?


To address the issue of child obesity and their aversion to vegetables, the first step is to encourage the child to enjoy physical activities and to have a diverse diet. Swimming can be a good option as the resistance in water is much greater than on land, which can help burn fat more quickly. Additionally, consuming vegetables like carrots and spinach can aid in improving obesity. It’s important to avoid giving the child high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. If the child is in the habit of lying down after eating, parents should help correct this behavior. Moreover, if the situation is severe, it is recommended to take the child to the hospital for a check-up and receive targeted treatment.