
A 2-year-old girl, recently, I’ve noticed that my child is getting fatter and fatter, and she can eat several bowls of rice in one meal. When I ask her to exercise, she doesn’t want to. How should I treat a child who is overweight and dislikes vegetables?


For children with obvious symptoms of obesity, parents should encourage them to engage in more physical activity and avoid picky eating. Parents should supervise their children to do aerobic exercises such as jogging and swimming. During this time, let the child eat vegetables that are beneficial for improving obesity, such as winter melon and green peas. Children should not eat high-calorie foods like cakes and macadamia nuts. Moreover, if the child likes to lie down immediately after eating, parents must help correct this bad habit. During the treatment of obesity, parents should carry out reasonable treatment based on the child’s condition. If the condition is severe, it is essential to go to the hospital to determine the cause and receive targeted treatment.