
How to prevent pediatric respiratory system diseases?


Firstly, it is important to wash hands frequently and maintain good personal hygiene. Additionally, proper ventilation at home is crucial; regularly opening windows to let air circulate helps reduce the growth of bacteria. Drinking plenty of water to keep the body hydrated is beneficial for boosting immunity. Regular sleep patterns and balanced diet are also necessary for maintaining health. Appropriate exercise and physical activity help strengthen the body’s constitution. Pay attention to staying warm and adjust clothing according to weather changes to avoid catching a cold. Keeping the home environment clean and regular cleaning and disinfection can reduce the spread of bacteria. If symptoms such as a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and mild fever occur, you can use pediatric cold syrup (powdered), Zhizao Yuan Wan, Yinjiao San, and other medications for treatment. For older children with symptoms like muscle pain or headaches, you can use one scallion and three slices of fresh ginger to boil water and take the medication with it.