
“My daughter is 4 years old. On April 7, 2014, she fell and injured her right hand. She was examined at the hospital and diagnosed with a comminuted fracture of the distal radius, and her hand was immobilized with a cast. On April 20, we went back to the hospital for a follow-up check, had an X-ray taken, and the doctor said the bone position had not recovered well, it was crooked, and surgery was needed. I am very confused; do I have to have surgery?”


“Take another X-ray and we’ll discuss it! Without seeing the X-ray, please upload it! So that we can diagnose the condition. In addition to timely treatment for a child’s fracture, patients need to consult experts for advice, maintain communication with the doctor, and pay attention to nursing aspects such as daily light diet and more outdoor activities. At the same time, patients should also pay attention to choosing a regular hospital for treatment to ensure good treatment outcomes.”