
A boy, just 8 years old, feels that his child is much heavier than other children, and he has been eating more and more lately, and is particularly lazy. How should an overweight child who does not like to eat vegetables be treated?


To address a child’s obesity, it’s essential to encourage them to love exercise and not be picky about food. You can arrange for activities like swimming or jogging, which are aerobic exercises. Vegetables like carrots and spinach can also be helpful in changing obesity. High-calorie foods like biscuits, macadamias, and small cakes should not be given to the child. Also, avoid letting the child sleep or lie on the sofa after eating snacks. During the treatment of obesity, parents should conduct reasonable treatment based on the child’s condition, and if the condition is severe, it is necessary to go to the hospital to find out the cause and receive targeted treatment.