
I noticed my two-year-old child started stuttering when she was about two and a half. Her language maturity seems to be ahead of her peers, and for a while, her stuttering seemed to improve. However, recently, it has worsened. She is very fond of watching cartoons and TV shows since she was two years old, and I’ve noticed that her stuttering is related to this habit. I read in a newspaper that excessive exposure to TV and cartoons may be harmful to a child’s language development and even affect learning. Therefore, I started limiting her cartoon viewing time. But now, at three years and three months, her stuttering has become more severe, sometimes she stutters, and sometimes she needs a while to get her words out.


Hello, you can try to train her slowly to boost her confidence. Stuttering can be overcome. You can teach her to pronounce sounds or practice simple sentences, and encourage and praise her so that she can relax and reduce the tension in speaking. Stuttering in children has always been a concern for parents. When treating it, it is recommended to adopt general treatment methods. Parents should use regular treatment methods to help the child recover as soon as possible, avoiding any impact on their growth and development. Therefore, I hope parents can closely monitor their child’s condition and take them for medical attention in a timely manner.