
What are the treatment methods for children’s diarrhea?


The causes of children’s diarrhea are complex and vary in their mechanisms. The treatment methods include:

  1. Dinggui Er Weizhi Paste, which strengthens the spleen, warms the middle burner, and relieves diarrhea.
  2. Heshengyuan Children’s Probiotic Powder, which improves intestinal flora imbalance.
  3. Xiao’er Gonglao Zhi Xie Granules, which clear heat, detoxify, and relieve dampness and diarrhea.
  4. Jian’er Zhi Xie Granules, which strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea. In severe cases of diarrhea, some anti-diarrheal medications can be taken, such as Huanglian (Coptis) Alkaloid, or Qingdai (Cassia) Methylglucose Syrup.