
My baby is 3 years old. He doesn’t seem to like eating much, and we eat a lot every day. He’s always running around, but lately, he’s been staying at home more often, not going out as much. He also has diarrhea. I thought it was because he caught a cold, but it turned out not to be.


Hello, the condition of your child may be due to diarrhea caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach, which is often caused by dietary imbalance, overexertion, or prolonged illness leading to physical weakness. Another possible cause is food poisoning. It is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for a thorough check-up. After diarrhea occurs, the body loses the most important substances are the liquid and electrolytes inside. It is also very important to maintain proper dietary care even when experiencing diarrhea. It’s important to continue eating during this time as well.