
My daughter is 1 year old, and this year, I’ve noticed that she seems to be getting fatter. Moreover, lately, she’s been eating more and more, and she’s especially lazy. How should I treat a child who is overweight and dislikes eating vegetables?


To help change the symptoms of obesity in a child, it’s important to provide them with a reasonable exercise and diet plan. You can arrange for activities like swimming or jogging, which are aerobic exercises. Ensure your child eats more fruits like apples, kiwis, and carrots, and avoid giving them fried foods and dried fruits, which are high in calories, fat, and heat. It’s also crucial to help correct any bad habits they may have, such as not being active after eating or being picky. If the child’s condition is severe during the treatment of pediatric obesity, it’s important to go to the hospital and seek treatment under a doctor’s guidance.