
What precautions should be taken when a child has allergic purpura?


If you know your child’s allergens, the best way to prevent recurrence is to keep them away from these allergens. If you’re unsure of the allergens, it’s recommended that you take your child to the dermatology department of the hospital for an allergen test to determine the cause. In daily life, it’s important to encourage your child to participate in physical exercises regularly to strengthen their immune system, prevent colds, actively eliminate infection foci, and prevent upper respiratory infections. It’s best to avoid all allergens as much as possible and prevent triggers for the disease. Diet adjustment is also crucial; avoid eating raw scallions, garlic, chili peppers, and other irritating foods. Stick to staple foods like rice, noodles, and corn flour; consume more fruits and vegetables. Also, be sure to stay warm and prevent colds. Control and prevent infections by choosing sensitive antibiotics when there is a clear infection or infection focus, but avoid blindly using antibiotics for preventive purposes.