
What is the best way to treat flashes caused by pediatric eye fundus disease?


After visiting an ophthalmologist, it was explained that the condition you described is generally not treatable with flashes. It’s important to adjust your diet, get adequate rest, and avoid cold and spicy foods. If the condition is due to liver Yang resistance and meridian malnutrition, ensure sufficient sleep and consider using medications like Mingmu Dihuang Wan or Zhipei Dihuang Wan. You can also drink herbal infusions of goji berries, jujube seeds, and chrysanthemum flowers. Since the causes of pediatric eye fundus disease are diverse, it’s crucial to understand the underlying cause before treatment and to follow the principle of symptomatic treatment. Moreover, proper care measures in daily life are indispensable. It is recommended to eat fewer spicy foods and more eye-protective foods.