
What should be noted when dealing with eye injuries?


I had an eye injury that was secondary glaucoma with high intraocular pressure at the time. My current intraocular pressure is 19.5, and the doctor mentioned yesterday that there is crystalline opacity. At the time of the examination, there was anterior chamber hemorrhage, posterior synechiae, high intraocular pressure, and secondary glaucoma. When I went to the hospital yesterday, it was easy to cause subcutaneous hemorrhage and appear with purple swelling. In addition to timely treatment for the eye injury, patients need to consult experts more often, maintain communication with the doctor, and follow the doctor’s advice step by step. Patients also need to pay attention to dietary aspects, such as eating lightly and avoiding spicy and irritating foods. At the same time, patients should pay attention to choosing a professional hospital for treatment so that they can receive good therapeutic effects.