
Dear Parent, my son is already 1 year old. This year, I’ve noticed that he’s getting fatter and fatter, and lately, he’s eating more and more, and he’s particularly lazy. How should I treat a child who is overweight and doesn’t like to eat vegetables?


If a child is suffering from obesity, parents should start with the child’s exercise and diet. Firstly, encourage the child to participate in aerobic exercises such as jogging, climbing hills, swimming, etc. Secondly, provide the child with more fibrous foods like apples, kiwis, carrots, etc., while prohibiting the consumption of high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, cookies, etc. Strictly control the child’s diet to avoid overeating. Regular exercise is beneficial for improving the child’s obesity condition. If the situation is severe, it is recommended that parents take their child to the hospital for a check-up to treat the underlying causes of the obesity.