
In June, the child frequently had a fever, and upon examination, it was found that the white blood cell count was abnormally high. The karyotype analysis report showed 46,XX, t(11:14)(p13:q11)[4]/46,xx[6], and was diagnosed with high-risk T-type acute lymphoblastic leukemia on June 30th. What should be done for treatment?


The patient is classified as having high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It is recommended to undergo bone marrow transplantation after chemotherapy is relieved. If the disease recurs, the prognosis is extremely poor, so it is advisable to proceed with the transplant as soon as possible. The etiology of pediatric hematological malignancies is complex. If a child is diagnosed, parents should immediately cooperate with the doctor for treatment and pay attention to diet and hygiene, as well as nutrition, avoiding irritating or cold foods.