
My child is three years old, with a good IQ and good speech skills. However, there is a bit of difficulty in movement, sometimes unable to get up after a fall. I want to ask which hospital is good?


To diagnose cerebral palsy, five elements must be considered: first, the presence of high-risk factors or developmental defects that cause brain damage, such as premature birth or asphyxia; second, symptoms appear early in infancy, such as persistent clenched fists or motor impairments; third, the disease is non-progressive, not worsening over time; fourth, the clinical manifestation is mainly motor impairments and abnormal posture; fifth, it is necessary to exclude transient developmental delays in normal children and motor impairments caused by progressive diseases. Cerebral palsy is a clinical diagnosis that is not made through specific tests. I suggest you go to a regular hospital for examination. I know a few hospitals: Guangzhou No.1 People’s Hospital, Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University Affiliated Fifth Hospital.