
What should be considered in the diet of optic nerve atrophy?


Meat should primarily be used for the auxiliary treatment of mixed retinopathy or in the recovery phase of hot retinopathy. Beef and mutton have the effects of invigorating Qi, nourishing blood, and improving eyesight. Liver, chicken, and duck meat tonify the kidneys and enrich essence and blood, while pork, chicken eggs, and duck eggs nourish the liver and kidneys and Yin fluid. Fish has the functions of tonifying the kidneys, invigorating Qi, nourishing Yin, and improving eyesight. However, these foods should be consumed in small portions and not eaten excessively. Plant foods are mostly used for the auxiliary treatment of hot retinopathy, such as winter melon, luffa, bitter melon, water spinach, celery, mung beans, adzuki beans, kelp, etc., which have the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, promoting diuresis, reducing swelling, and activating blood circulation. Rice, sorghum, corn, millet, soybeans, black sesame seeds, and mushrooms can invigorate Qi, nourish blood, and improve eyesight. Although these foods are mainly used for the auxiliary treatment of hot retinopathy, those with insufficient Qi and blood in mixed retinopathy can also consume them.