
Can a patient with Hepatitis B Minus and abnormal liver function have a child?


Hello, it is recommended to consider childbearing only after the liver function has normalized. Although the infectivity of Hepatitis B Minus is weaker than that of Hepatitis B, it still causes significant liver damage, easily leading to liver fibrosis, which can further result in liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Patients with Hepatitis B Minus, although the virus replication is not as active as that in Hepatitis B, still have a higher risk of developing liver cirrhosis. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment not only can inhibit the virus and improve liver symptoms but also can enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, and resist fibrosis, which helps prevent liver cirrhosis. Combined with Western medicine antiviral treatment, it can improve the efficacy and achieve the effect of treating both symptoms and root causes. Especially the anti-fibrosis effect of traditional Chinese medicine is beneficial for treating and preventing liver cirrhosis and liver fibrosis with good safety and efficacy.