
The right renal collecting system has the largest separate dark area of 0.9cm, and the left renal collecting system has the largest separate dark area of about 3.3cm, with bilateral hydronephrosis. The renal pelvis ureteral junction is narrowed, and there are currently no symptoms. How should it be treated?


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hydronephrosis is often due to spleen and kidney Qi deficiency, leading to water dampness not being transported; or due to sandstone obstruction, affecting the execution of water fluid; or damp-heat damaging Yin, impairing Qi transformation, and obstructing the waterway. Depending on the location of water fluid accumulation, symptoms vary, but hydronephrosis is often caused by insufficient Yang Qi, which cannot warm up water fluid, leading to its stagnation. This further damages Yang Qi and Qi mechanism, causing water fluid to accumulate. The treatment of hydronephrosis mainly uses herbs such as Pinellia, Unshu root, Licorice, Achyranthes, Talcum, Rhubarb, Plantago seed, Pollonia, Motherwort, Hoelen, and Danshen. For patients with kidney insufficiency accompanied by kidney stones, additional herbs like Chicken Gizzards, Jin Qian Cao (Lysimachia christinae Hance), and Hai Jin Sha (Sparganium stoloniferum) can be used; if there are dark purple tongue coating with ecchymosis, 20 milliliters of Duanmu Ning Injection or Compound Danshen Injection can be used by adding them to 250 milliliters of 5% glucose solution for intravenous drip once a day; for those with poor urination, add Huang Bai (Phellodendron amurense) and Mu Tong; for hematuria patients, add Bai Mao Gen (Herba Imperatae), Ce Bai Ye (Pteris multifida), and Pu Huang (Taraxacum mongolicum).