
A 12-year-old boy, in elementary school, has been feeling that his child is getting fatter and fatter this year. Additionally, he eats more than most children. He usually doesn’t like to play after eating. How should one treat child obesity effectively when the child doesn’t like eating vegetables?


When a child shows signs of obesity, parents should address the issue by encouraging physical activity and a healthy diet. Initially, you can increase the intensity of their exercise, such as running slowly, gradually increasing the distance from half a lap at a time. In terms of diet, encourage your child to eat more cucumbers, carrots, spinach, etc., and strictly avoid high-calorie foods like cakes, chips, and cola. In daily life, avoid allowing your child to snack in bed or lie down immediately after eating; these bad habits can also lead to fat accumulation. During the treatment of childhood obesity, if the symptoms are severe, it is important to seek timely medical treatment and not blindly believe in certain medications.