
I have poor sleep and yellow urine. A year ago, I was diagnosed with hepatitis B with the the triple therapy marker, and my liver function is normal. I’m about to get married, and I’m not sure if I can have a child?


Hello, friend, normal liver function indicates that the liver’s metabolic ability has not been damaged, but the strength of the infection needs to be determined through DNA test results; the higher the number, the stronger the infectivity. Have you had any related tests? It is recommended to consider childbirth after the DNA test results return to normal, which will greatly reduce the risk of the virus to the baby. In addition to active treatment, attention to rest, and dietary adjustments are also necessary for Hepatitis B patients. A balanced diet helps in the repair and regeneration of liver cells, enhances immune function, and promotes the recovery of liver function. Eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, supplementing enough vitamins and fiber, helps to promote digestion. It is recommended to adopt a low-fat, low-sugar, high-protein diet (such as soy products, chicken, fish). Wishing for a quick recovery!