
How is kidney disease syndrome treated with traditional Chinese medicine?


Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment methods for kidney disease syndrome:

  • Treatment for spleen deficiency and dampness: Strengthen the spleen and boost Qi, promote diuresis and transform dampness.
  • Treatment for spleen-kidney Yang deficiency (spleen-kidney Qi deficiency): Warming and reinforcing the spleen and kidneys, transforming Qi and promoting diuresis.
  • Treatment for damp-heat stagnation: Clear heat and detoxify, drain dampness and reduce swelling.
  • Treatment for liver-kidney Yin deficiency: Nourish the liver and kidneys, benefit Yin and clear heat.
  • Treatment for both Qi and Yin deficiency: Replenish Qi and strengthen the spleen, clear and nourish the lungs and kidneys. The combined application of Chinese and Western medicine is more effective than using either alone. Chinese medicine also has a positive effect on the toxic and side effects of hormones and immunosuppressants.